FunctionDraws a Cartesian coordinate system and plots two Y-vectors, taking the index as the X-axis.
Syntax C/C++#include <Vgraph.h>
void VF_y2AutoPlot( fVector Y1, ui size1, unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, fVector Y2, ui size2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
void VF_y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylin( fVector Y1, ui size1, unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, fVector Y2, ui size2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
void VF_y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylg( fVector Y1, ui size1, unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, fVector Y2, ui size2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
void VF_y2AutoPlot_xlin_ylg( fVector Y1, ui size1, unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, fVector Y2, ui size2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
C++ VecObj#include <OptiVec.h>
void vector<T>::y2AutoPlot( unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, const vector<T>& Y2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
void vector<T>::y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylin( unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, const vector<T>& Y2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
void vector<T>::y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylg( unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, const vector<T>& Y2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
void vector<T>::y2AutoPlot_xlin_ylg( unsigned form1, COLORREF color1, const vector<T>& Y2, unsigned form2, COLORREF color2 );
Pascal/Delphiuses Vgraph;
procedure VF_y2AutoPlot( Y1:fVector; size1:UIntSize; form1:UInt; color1:COLORREF; Y2:fVector; size2:UIntSize; form2:UInt; color2:COLORREF );
procedure VF_y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylin( Y1:fVector; size1:UIntSize; form1:UInt; color1:COLORREF; Y2:fVector; size2:UIntSize; form2:UInt; color2:COLORREF );
procedure VF_y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylg( Y1:fVector; size1:UIntSize; form1:UInt; color1:COLORREF; Y2:fVector; size2:UIntSize; form2:UInt; color2:COLORREF );
procedure VF_y2AutoPlot_xlin_ylg( Y1:fVector; size1:UIntSize; form1:UInt; color1:COLORREF; Y2:fVector; size2:UIntSize; form2:UInt; color2:COLORREF );
DescriptionA Cartesian coordinate system is automatically scaled and drawn. Each element of the vectors Y1 and Y2 is plotted at the X-position given by its index. For a description of the parameters form1, form2, and color1, color2, see VF_xyAutoPlot. You can choose any combination of linear and logarithmic axes:
VF_y2AutoPlot: both X axis and Y axis linear.
VF_y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylinX axis logarithmic, Y axis linear.
VF_y2AutoPlot_xlg_ylg: both X axis and Y axis logarithmic.
VF_y2AutoPlot_xlin_ylg: X axis linear, Y axis logarithmic.
The plotting routines have to be initialized by V_initPlot prior to calling VF_y2AutoPlot.
The VecObj version of this function has to be called as a member function of Y1.
Error handlingnone
Return valuenone
See alsoVF_yDataPlot,   VF_y2AutoPlot,   VF_xyAutoPlot,   VCF_autoPlot,   V_drawAxes,   V_findAxes,  chapter 4.12

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