Description | By default, VF_write puts a line feed character after each vector element written into a stream. This means that each element gets its own line. You may use VF_setWriteSeparate to define another separation string. This may be, for example, a tab character ("\t" for C/C++ or #9 for Pascal/Delphi) or a series of spaces (e.g., " " for C/C++ or ' ' for Pascal/Delphi).
VF_write will insert the separation string only in between the vector elements. At the end, after the last element, there is always a line feed ("\n") instead of the separation string.
SepString may contain up to twelve characters.
C/C++ only:
If you use VF_write with the output sent directly to the printer (stream = stdprn), you probably have to explicitly use a carriage return character in addition to the line feed. To do this, call
VF_setWriteSeparate( "\n\r" ); |