FunctionCounter-clockwise rotation of cartesian coordinates
Syntax C/C++#include <VFmath.h>
void VF_rotateCoordinates( fVector Xrot, fVector Yrot, fVector X, fVector Y, ui size, float costheta, float sintheta );

void VCF_rotateCoordinates( cfVector XYrot, cfVector XY, ui size, float costheta, float sintheta );
C++ VecObj#include <OptiVec.h>
void vector<T>::rotateCoordinates( const vector<T>& Yrot, const vector<T>& X,const vector<T>& Y, T costheta, T sintheta );
void vector<complex<T> >::rotateCoordinates( const vector<complex<T> >& XY, T costheta, T sintheta );
Pascal/Delphiuses VFmath;
procedure VF_rotateCoordinates( Xrot, Yrot, X, Y:fVector; size:UIntSize; costheta, sintheta:Single );

procedure VCF_rotateCoordinates( XYrot, XY:cfVector; size:UIntSize; costheta, sintheta:Single );
CUDA function C/C++#include <cudaVFmath.h>
void cudaVF_rotateCoordinates( fVector d_Xrot, fVector d_Yrot, fVector d_X, fVector d_Y, ui size, float costheta, float sintheta );
void cusdVF_rotateCoordinates( fVector d_Xrot, fVector d_Yrot, fVector d_X, fVector d_Y, ui size, float *d_costheta, float *d_sintheta );
void cudaVCF_rotateCoordinates( cfVector d_XYrot, cfVector d_XY, ui size, float costheta, float sintheta );
void cusdVCF_rotateCoordinates( cfVector d_XYrot, cfVector d_XY, ui size, float *d_costheta, float *d_sintheta );
void VFcu_rotateCoordinates( fVector h_Xrot, fVector h_Yrot, fVector h_X, fVector h_Y, ui size, float costheta, float sintheta );
void VCFcu_rotateCoordinates( cfVector h_XYrot, cfVector h_XY, ui size, float costheta, float sintheta );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphiuses VFmath;
procedure cudaVF_rotateCoordinates( d_Xrot, d_Yrot, d_X, d_Y:fVector; size:UIntSize; costheta, sintheta:Single );
procedure cusdVF_rotateCoordinates( d_Xrot, d_Yrot, d_X, d_Y:fVector; size:UIntSize; d_costheta, d_sintheta:Single );
procedure cudaVCF_rotateCoordinates( d_XYrot, d_XY:cfVector; size:UIntSize; costheta, sintheta:Single );
procedure cusdVCF_rotateCoordinates( d_XYrot, d_XY:cfVector; size:UIntSize; d_costheta, d_sintheta:Single );
procedure VFcu_rotateCoordinates( h_Xrot, h_Yrot, h_X, h_Y:fVector; size:UIntSize; costheta, sintheta:Single );
procedure VCFcu_rotateCoordinates( h_XYrot, h_XY:cfVector; size:UIntSize; costheta, sintheta:Single );
DescriptionThe coordinates specified either in the real vector pair X,Y or in the complex vector XY are rotated counter-clockwise by the angle theta, specified as its cosine and sine, costheta and sintheta:
Xroti = cos(theta) * Xi - sin(theta) * Yi,
Yroti = sin(theta) * Xi + cos(theta) * Yi

The result can be scaled by a constant factor: Just multiply the arguments costheta and sintheta by the desired scaling factor. costheta and sintheta need not actually correspond to any real angle.

Error handlingnone
Return valuenone
See alsoVF_lincomb

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