VF_reldevV | VD_reldevV | VE_reldevV |
Function | Relative Deviation (in absolute terms) of the elements of one vector from the corresponding elements of another vector, normalized by the larger of the two input values |
Syntax C/C++ | #include <VFmath.h>
void VF_reldevV( fVector Z, fVector X, fVector Y, ui size ); |
C++ VecObj | #include <OptiVec.h>
void vector<T>::reldevV( const vector<T>& X, const vector<T>& Y ); |
Pascal/Delphi | uses VFmath;
procedure VF_reldevV( Z, X, Y:fVector; size:UIntSize ); |
CUDA function C/C++ | #include <cudaVFmath.h>
int cudaVF_reldevV( fVector d_Z, fVector d_X, fVector d_Y,ui size );
void VFcu_reldevV( fVector h_Z, fVector h_X, fVector h_Y,ui size );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphi | uses VFmath;
function cudaVF_reldevV( d_Z, d_X, d_Y:fVector; size:UIntSize ): IntBool;
procedure VFcu_reldevV( h_Z, h_X, h_Y:fVector; size:UIntSize );
Description | Zi = |Xi − Yi| / max(|Xi|, |Yi|), if |Xi| > 0 or |Yi| > 0
Zi = 0, if Xi = 0 and Yi = 0
While VF_reldevV yields the absolute value of the relative deviation, the similar function VF_reldiffV gives the relative deviation with ±sign. |