FunctionBit-wise "OR" operation
Syntax C/C++#include <VImath.h>
void VI_or( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size, int C);
void VUL_or( ulVector Y, ulVector X, ui size, unsigned long C );
C++ VecObj#include <OptiVec.h>
void vector<T>::or( const vector<T>& X, const T& C );
Pascal/Delphiuses VImath;
procedure VI_or( Y, X:iVector; size:UIntSize; C:Integer );
CUDA function C/C++#include <cudaVImath.h>
int cudaVI_or( iVector d_Y, iVector d_X, ui size, int C );
int cusdVI_or( iVector d_Y, iVector d_X, ui size, int *d_C );
void VIcu_or( iVector h_Y, iVector h_X, ui size, int C );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphiuses VImath;
function cudaVI_or( d_Y, d_X:iVector; size:UIntSize; C:Integer ): IntBool;
function cusdVI_or( d_Y, d_X:iVector; size:UIntSize; d_C:PInteger ): IntBool;
procedure VIcu_or( h_Y, h_X:iVector; size:UIntSize; C:Integer );
DescriptionYi = (Xi) | C
The bit-wise "inclusive OR" operation is performed on each element Xi with the bit-mask given by C. A bit is 1 in Yi, if it was not simultaneously 0 in Xi and in C, i.e., if it was 1 at least in one of them.
Error handlingnone
Return valuenone
See alsoVI_not,   VI_and,   VI_xor

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