FunctionLargest exponent within one vector
Syntax C/C++#include <VFstd.h>
int VF_maxexp( fVector X, ui size );

    (similarly VD_,   VE_)
C++ VecObj#include <OptiVec.h>
int vector<T>::maxexp();
Pascal/Delphiuses VFstd;
function VF_maxexp( X:fVector; size:UIntSize ): Integer;

    (similarly VD_,   VE_)
CUDA function C/C++#include <cudaVFstd.h>
int cudaVF_maxexp( int *h_RetVal, fVector d_X, ui size );
int cusdVF_maxexp( int *d_RetVal, fVector d_X, ui size );
int VFcu_maxexp( fVector h_X, ui size );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphiuses VFstd;
function cudaVF_maxexp( var h_RetVal:Integer; d_X:fVector; size:UIntSize ): IntBool;
function cusdVF_maxexp( d_RetVal:PInteger; d_X:fVector; size:UIntSize ): IntBool;
function VFcu_maxexp( h_X:fVector; size:UIntSize ): Integer;
DescriptionConsidering that each number can be represented as a product, mantissa * 2exponent, where 1.0 ≤ mantissa < 2.0, the largest exponent occurring in a vector is returned. If the vector consisted of nothing but zeros, the exponent is returned as -231 (32-bit models) or -215 (16-bit models).
Error handlingnone
Return valuemaximum exponent encountered.
See alsoVF_minexp,   VF_max,   VF_absmax,   VF_runmax,   VF_absmaxind

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