FunctionSeparate determination of the largest absolute values of the real and imaginary parts occurring in a cartesian complex vector.
Syntax C/C++#include <VCFstd.h>
fComplex VCF_absmaxReIm( cfVector X, ui size );

    (similarly VCD_,   VCE_)
C++ VecObj#include <OptiVec.h>
complex<T> vector<complex<T>>::absmaxReIm();
Pascal/Delphiuses VCFstd;
function VCF_absmaxReIm( X:cfVector; size:UIntSize ):fComplex;

Alternative syntax (obsolete, but still supported):
procedure VCF_absmaxReIm( var RetVal:fComplex; X:cfVector; size:UIntSize );

    (similarly VCD_,   VCE_)
CUDA function C/C++#include <cudaVCFstd.h>
int cudaVCF_absmaxReIm( fComplex *h_RetVal, cfVector d_X, ui size );
int cusdVCF_absmaxReIm( fComplex *d_RetVal, cfVector d_X, ui size );
fComplex VCFcu_absmaxReIm( cfVector h_X, ui size );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphiuses VCFstd;
function cudaVCF_absmaxReIm( var h_RetVal:fComplex; d_X:cfVector; size:UIntSize ): IntBool;
function cusdVCF_absmaxReIm( d_RetVal:PfComplex; d_X:cfVector; size:UIntSize ): IntBool;
function VCFcu_absmaxReIm( h_X:cfVector; size:UIntSize ):fComplex;
DescriptionThe absolute values of the real parts of all vector elements are compared with each other and the largest one is returned as the real part of the result. Similarly, the absolute values of all the imaginary parts are compared with each other and the largest one is returned as the imaginary part of the result. Generally, the result is made up from different elements of the vector.
Error handlingnone
Return valueLargest absolute real and imaginary parts, combined into one complex number.
See alsoVCF_maxReIm,   VCF_absminReIm

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