Function"Hann" window for use in spectral analysis
Syntax C/C++#include <VFstd.h>
void VF_Hann( fVector X, ui size );
C++ VecObj#include <OptiVec.h>
void vector<T>::Hann();
Pascal/Delphiuses VFstd;
procedure VF_Hann( X:fVector; size:UIntSize );
CUDA function C/C++#include <cudaVFstd.h>
int cudaVF_Hann( fVector d_X, ui size );
void VFcu_Hann( fVector h_X, ui size );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphiuses VFstd;
function cudaVF_Hann( d_X:fVector; size:UIntSize ): IntBool;
procedure VFcu_Hann( h_X:fVector; size:UIntSize );
DescriptionXi = 0.5 * (1 - cos( 2 p i / (size−1) )).
This function provides a window for power-spectrum estimation with Welch's method of overlapping segments, here implemented as VF_spectrum. The Hann window goes down to zero at the edges. Therefore, it requires a minimum size of 4 elements. Otherwise, X will contain only zeros. For window functions with non-zero values at the edges, see VF_Parzen and VF_Welch.
Error handlingnone
Return valuenone
See alsoVF_Welch,   VF_Parzen,   VF_spectrum

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