Functionmultiply one complex matrix by the hermitian conjugate of another
Syntax C/C++#include <MCFstd.h>
void MCF_mulMH( cfMatrix MC, cfMatrix MA, cfMatrix MB, ui htA, ui lenA, ui htB );
C++ MatObj#include <OptiVec.h>
void matrix<complex<T> >::mulMH( const matrix<complex<T> >& MA, const matrix<complex<T> >& MA );
Pascal/Delphiuses MCFstd;
procedure MCF_mulMH( MC, MA, MB:cfMatrix; htA, lenA, htB:UIntSize );
CUDA function C/C++#include <cudaMCFstd.h>
int cudaMCF_mulMH( cfMatrix d_MC, cfMatrix d_MA, cfMatrix d_MB, ui htA, ui lenA, ui htB );
void MCFcu_mulMH( cfMatrix h_MC, cfMatrix h_MA, cfMatrix h_MB, ui htA, ui lenA, ui htB );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphiuses MCFstd;
function cudaMCF_mulMH( d_MC, d_MA, d_MB:cfMatrix; htA, lenA, htB:UIntSize ): IntBool;
procedure MCFcu_mulMH( h_MC, h_MA, h_MB:cfMatrix; htA, lenA, htB:UIntSize );
DescriptionMC = MA * MBT *.
htA, lenA, and htB must be specified; the other dimensions are implicitly given as: lenB = lenA, lenC = htB, htC = htA.
See alsoMCF_hermconj,   MF_mulMT,   MCF_HmulM,   chapter 9

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