MF_Row_equC MD_Row_equC ME_Row_equC
MCF_Row_equC MCD_Row_equC MCE_Row_equC
Functioninitialize all elements of one row with a constant
Syntax C/C++#include <MFstd.h>
void MF_Row_equC( fMatrix MA, ui ht, ui len, ui iRow, float C );
C++ MatObj#include <OptiVec.h>
void matrix<T>::Row_equC( const ui iRow, const T& C);
Pascal/Delphiuses MFstd;
procedure MF_Row_equC( MA:fMatrix; ht, len, iRow:UIntSize; C:Single );
CUDA function C/C++#include <cudaMFstd.h>
int cudaMF_Row_equC( fMatrix d_MA, ui ht, ui len, ui iRow, float C );
int cusdMF_Row_equC( fMatrix d_MA, ui ht, ui len, ui iRow, float *d_C );
void MFcu_Row_equC( fMatrix h_MA, ui ht, ui len, ui iRow, float C );
CUDA function Pascal/Delphiuses MFstd;
function cudaMF_Row_equC( d_MA:fMatrix; ht, len, iRow:UIntSize; C:Single ): IntBool;
function cusdMF_Row_equC( d_MA:fMatrix; ht, len, iRow:UIntSize; d_C:PSingle ): IntBool;
procedure MFcu_Row_equC( h_MA:fMatrix; ht, len, iRow:UIntSize; C:Single );
DescriptionMAiRow,i = C,  i=0,...,len-1
See alsoMF_Col_equC,   MF_Dia_equC,   MF_Row_equ0,   chapter 3

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